Sama Veda Sandhyavandanam Pdf


Sama Veda Sandhya VandanamDr Ravi S Iyer -based on matter written by Shri P. R. Ramachander

1 AcknowledgementThis document is based significantly on matter prepared by Shri P. R. Ramachander, and available at


Argya PradhanamAachamanam

After chanting each of the following mantras take a small quantity of water in your right palm and sip. Om Achyuthaya Namah, Om Ananthaya Namah, Om Govindaya Namah

D RAThen, using only your right hand Kesava - Narayana Madhava - Govinda Vishno - Madhusoodana 1

1. Using your thumb, touch the right cheek while chanting the first word of the mantra and the left cheek while chanting the second

2. Using your ring finger, touch the right eye while chanting the first word of the mantra and the left eye while chanting the second

3. Using your index finger, touch the right side of the nose while chanting the first word of the mantra and the left side while chanting the second

4. Using your little finger, touch the right ear while chanting the first word of the mantra and the left ear while chanting the second


Namaskaram I am posting yajur veda sandhyavandanam in pdf, those who find it useful please. Comments, i will continuously post vedic slogas,chants,sloka for kids. Sincerely Balajee Iyengar., 10:16 AM #8. September 12th, 2020 - yajur veda sandhyavandanam in tamil pdf free download Can any one help me in finding this book in Tamil Rig vedam Tamil english Or Rig veda from Ramakrishna math its cheap Dont download its a request Acquire Vidhya knowledge by egctraders offers wide variety of Tamil books on atharvana veda in tamil rig veda in tamil. SAMA VEDA SANDHYAVANDANAM IN TAMIL PDF - 21 Nov Sama veda Sandhyavandanam. Learn Sanskrit through Tamil. Connecting to Apple Music If you do not have iTunes, download it for free. Visit Downloads Page for Link to download this E-Book as a PDF File. Acknowledgement: We are thankful to Veda Prasar Samiti, Chennai for providing the pdf files of Vedas in Devanagari script to us. 'The Sama veda (from saman melody and veda knowledge), is second (in the usual order) of the four Vedas, the ancient core Hindu scriptures. I have posted Sandhyavadanam for Krishna Yajur Vedins. I have posted up to Deva Tharpanam. I shall post the remaining part shortly. Sukla Yajur and Sama Veda Mantras are hard to come. I have collected the Sama Veda Sandhyavandana texts from Sri.P.Ramchander(almost in full) Text for Sandhyvandana fo Sama Vedins. Part-I - Argya Pradhanam.

Trivikrama - Vamana 5. Using your middle finger, touch the right shoulder while chanting the first word of the mantra and the left shoulder while chanting the second Sreedhara - Hrishikesa 6. Touch the navel (belly button) with all fingers, saying Padmanabha 7. Touch the top of the head with all fingers, saying Damodara.


Ganapathi Dhyanam

Chant the following mantra while gently tapping your temples/outer forehead with your knuckles Shuklambaradharam Vishnum Shashi Varnam ChathurBhujam Prasanna Vadanam Dyayeth Sarva Vigna Upa Shanthaye.



While reciting the following mantra, control your breathing by controlling the flow of air through your nostrils. Use the thumb, little and ring fingers of your right hand (as shown in Fig. ?? and detailed in the footnote) 1 -1. Breathe through the left nostril while reciting Om Bhoohoo Om Bhuvaha Om Suvaha Om Mahaha Om Janaha Om Thapaha Om Sathyam1 The forefinger and the middle finger are folded into the palm; the thumb presses against the right side of the nose

controlling the flow of air into the right nostril, while the ring finger and the little finger together press the left side of the nose, controlling air into the left nostril. Inhale through the left nostril by pressing the thumb firmly against the right side of the nose blocking the right nostril while simultaneously relaxing the pressure on the left side of the nose allowing air to flow in and out of the left nostril. Similarly, by relaxing the thumb while increasing the pressure with the index-little finger combine, one can control the flow of air through the right nostril while blocking the left. By applying pressure simultaneously on both sides of the nose, one can hold one's breath. Inhalation is called Puraka, the retention Kumbhaka and the exhalation Rechaka. the durations of these three (viz. Puraka, Kumbhaka and Rechaka) should be in the ratio 1: 3: 2


Figure 1: Position of fingers for Pranayama

2. Close both nostrils while reciting Om Tat-savithur varenyam Bargo devasya dhimahi Dhiyo yona prachodayath 3. Breathe through the right nostril while reciting Om Apa Jyothi rasa Amritam brahma Bhoorbuvasuvarom The transitions should be smooth and quick. Chant OM three times. Each time you say 'OM', touch your ear lobes with both hands. Om, Om, Om



Rest your left palm on your right thigh. Cover the left plam with the right plam, and chant the following mantra: Mamo partha samastha duritha kshaya dwara Sri Parameshwara preethyartham In the morning (typically between 4 am and 8 am -- Pratah Sandhya) Pratah sandhyam upasishye 3

During the day (typically between 8 am and 4 pm -- Madhyannikam) Madhyaynikam karishye In the evening (typically between 4 pm and 8 pm -- Sayam Sandhya) Sayam sandhyam upasishye




a) Chant Sri Kesavaya Namah and write OM in water with the ring finger of the right hand. b) Chant the following (ten) mantras. While chanting the first seven sprinkle water on the head; while chanting the eighth sprinkle water on your feet; for the ninth again, sprinkle on the head, and chant the tenth by taking a little water in your right palm and sprinkling it around your head clockwise

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Aapo hishta mayo bhuva Thana oorje dadha thana Mahe ranaaya chakshase Yova shiva thamo rasa Thasya bhajaya thehana Usatirava mathara Thasma aranga mamava

8 Sprinkle water on your feet (or touch your feet with wet hands) Yasya kshayaya jinwadha 9 Sprinkle on the head Aapo janayadha jana 10 Taking a little water on your right palm, sprinkle water around your head clockwise (like a pradakshinam) Om Bhorbuvassuva




After the 'swaha' at the end of the mantra, take a small quantity of water in your right palm and sip it. Pratah Sandhya Madhyahnikam Ahascha swaha maa adithyascha punathu

Aapa punanthu prithweem Prithwee pootha punathu maam Punanthu brahmanaspathir brahma pootha punathu maam Yad uchishta mabhojyam yadhwa ducharitham mama Sarvam punanthu mamopa asatham cha prathigraham swaha Rathrischa ma varunascha punathu swaha

Sayam Sandhya



Perform Achamanam. Use the procedure given in section ??


Punar Marjanam

Recite the following 14 mantras. While reciting the first eleven-sprinkle water on the head; while reciting the twelfth touch your feet; while reciting the thirteen sprinkle on your head, and recite the fourteenth by taking a little water in your right palm and sprinkling it clockwise around your head : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Dadhi kravinno akarisham Jishno raswasya vajina Surabhino mukha karaath Prana ayuhumshi tharishath Aapo hishta mayo bhuva Thana oorje dadha thana Mahe ranaaya chakshase Yova shiva thamo rasa Thasya bhajaya thehana Usatirava mathara



Thasma aranga mamava

12. Sprinkle water on your feet (or touch your feet with wet hands) Yasya kshayaya jinwadha 13. Sprinkle on the head Aapo janayadha jana 14. Taking a little water on your right palm, sprinkle water clockwise around your head (like a Pradakshinam) Om Bhorbuvassuva


Argya Pradhanam

Join both hands, taking care not to let either thumb touch the other fingers. Gather sufficient water in your palms. Pour the water through your fingers while reciting the following mantra -Om Bhorbuvassuva Tatsa vithur varenyam bhargo devasya deemahi Dhiyo yona prachodayath Prathah Sandhya Face east and repeat thrice. Madyannikam Face North and repeat twice. Sayam Sandhya Face West and repeat twice.


Prayaschitha Argyam

1. Do Pranayama as detailed in section ?? 2. Then offer one more Argyam. Join both hands, taking care not to let either thumb touch other fingers. Gather sufficient water in your palms. Pour the water through your fingers while reciting the following mantra --

Om Bhorbuvassuva Tatsa vithur varenyam bhargo devasya deemahi Dhiyo yona prachodayath This is a Prayaschitha (atonement) for doing the argya pradhanam late. 3. Take small quantity of water in your right hand and sprinkle it clockwise around your head while reciting: (this is called Athma Parishechanam) 6

Prathah Sandhya

Om yadathya gacha vruthrahan. Udayaa abhisoorya sarvaan dathindra they vache Om uthkedthbhi sruthamagam vrushabham naryabasim Astharameshi soorya Om na thasya maya yachana Ripureeseetha marthya yo agnaye dathacha havyadathaye

Sama Veda Sandhyavandanam Pdf


Sayam Sandhya



With both hands touch the middle of the chest. Close your eyes, focus your attention on the spot between your eyebrows, and recite AsaavadhityoBbrahma. Brahamaivahamasmi




Perform Achamanam (see section ??)


Deva Tharpanam

Prathah Sandhya Squat facing east. Madyannikam Squat facing east/north. Sayam Sandhya Squat facing north. For each of the following mantras, take a little water in your right palm and let it flow down your finger-tips. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Aadithyam tharpayami Somam tharpayami Angarakam tharpayami Budham tharpayami Brahaspathim tharpayami Shukram tharpayami Sanaiswaram tharpayami Rahum tharpayami


9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Sama Veda Sandhyavandanam Pdf

Kethum tharpayami Kesavam tharpayami Narayanam tharpayami Madhavam tharpayami Govindam tharpayami Vishnum tharpayami Madhusoodhanam tharpayami Trivikramam tharpayami Vamanam tharpayami Sreedharam tharpayami Hrishikesam tharpayami Padmanabham tharpayami Damodharam tharpayami

Sama Veda Sandhyavandanam Pdf



Perform Achamanam. Use the procedure given in section ??

3 Japam3.1 Japa Sankalpam1. Recite the following mantra while gently tapping your temples/outer forehead with your knuckles -Shuklambaradharam Vishnum Shashi Varnam ChathurBhujam Prasanna Vadanam Dyayeth Sarva Vigna Upa Shanthaye. 2. Do Pranayamam (refer section ??) 3. Sankalpam Rest your left palm on your right thigh. Cover the left plam with the right plam, and chant the following mantra:


Mamo partha samastha duritha kshaya dwara Sri Parameshwara preethyartham Prathah Sandhya Madhyannikam Sayam Sandhya Prathahh sandhya gayathri mantra japam karishye maha

Madhyaynika gayathri maha mantra japam karishye Sayam sandhya gayathri maha mantra japam karishye


Pranava Japam

Sama Veda Sandhyavandanam Pdf In Tamil Free Download

1. Touch the top of your head with four fingers (thumb excluded) Pranavasya Rishi Brahma 2. Touch the gap between your nose and upper lip Devi gayathri Chandaha 3. Touch the middle of your chest Paramath