Purebasic Serial Port Example


  1. Purebasic Serial Port Example
  2. Purebasic Serial Port Example Using
  3. Purebasic Serial Port Example Pdf

Comportlibwinapi32.bas kind of simple COM Port 'Library', with a test part that receives data via the serial port, (uses only win32api functions). How to test: You either need one computer with two com port interfaces, (I use COM4 and COM1), or two computers with one com port interface. The DUART has 14 I/O pins (six input, eight output) that can be used as modem-control pins, clock input and outputs, or as general-purpose input/output pins. The DUART can support several operating modes (e.g., a self-test loop-back mode). Figure 6 illustrates the internal organization of a 68681 DUART. In this lesson you will learn exactly how to use Serial.read to receive data from the serial port and stitch it together as one value. Part 1: The big picture of serial communication; The serial buffer; Serial.read and Serial.available; Developing a protocol and strategy for reading in data from the serial port; Part 2.

I have looked at several examples but they just don't seem to work.

Purebasic Serial Port Example

I have an Arduino running on COM3 and it is continuing to output data via the serial port using the Arduino command val = a number between 0 and 100 to 2 decimal places eg 0.00 or 2.34 or 89.44
I have tried as I might I can not get PB to pick up thei serial data.
PurebasicSo my first part of the code is to open the COM port, in this case COM3

Code: Select all

I then
I am however having trouble with ReadSerialPortData
I have look at all the examples in the examples folder but the only serial example just does the opening of the com port and nothing else. I have look at some examples on the forum but they don't seem to work or I can not get them to work.
Can anyone help me with how to use ReadSerialPortData to output the data to the Debug screen.

Purebasic Serial Port Example Using

I will be capturing the serial data and placing in a file eventually.

Purebasic Serial Port Example Pdf

Thank you